Getting epididymitis can be caused by several factors. Infection is the most common cause, but there are other causes as well. A common form of epididymitis is caused by sexually transmitted infections, or STDs. The best way to prevent epididymitis is to avoid sex that may lead to a STI. A sexually transmitted infection can be caused by a number of different types of bacteria. The bacteria that cause these infections are usually opportunistic, meaning they live and thrive in many places, including the intestines.
In some cases, epididymitis is caused by anatomic abnormalities. For instance, a boy may develop epididymitis because of reflux of urine into the ejaculatory ducts. These abnormalities may result from a number of different reasons, including a twisted testicle, an uncircumcised penis, or prior use of a catheter in the urethra.
If you experience the symptoms of epididymitis, you need to seek medical care as soon as possible. The best way to do this is to see your provider, who can perform a physical exam and test your urine for STIs. If you think you may have epididymitis, he or she may prescribe an antibiotic to treat the infection before laboratory results are available.
Epididymitis is caused by a number of different things, including infection and post-infection. If you have epididymitis, you need to take an antibiotic to treat the infection, as well as pain medications. You should also avoid sexual activity until you are cleared by your doctor. You may want to have your partner tested for STIs. This can be done with a swab in the penis. If you have a sexual partner who is known to have an STD, it is important that you take antibiotics for him or her, too.
Getting epididymitis can be very painful. The pain can be felt in your scrotum or the entire testicle. If you have severe pain, you should go to the emergency room right away. You may also experience an abscess, which is a swelling. This type of abscess may require surgery to drain. If you have a chronic case of epididymitis, you may also require anti-inflammatory medication to treat the inflammation.
There are other types of infections that can cause epididymitis, such as mumps virus and recurrent urinary tract infections. These types of infections are more likely to affect men than women, but they can still occur in women. Getting epididymitis can be prevented by using a condom when sexually active and talking to your partner about safer sex.

Epididymitis can be caused by sexually transmitted infections, such as gonorrhea and chlamydia. These types of infections are more common in young, sexually active men. Chlamydia is the most common STI and is associated with most cases of epididymitis. Gonorrhea can sometimes even reach the testicle, but it is generally thought that it is less likely to cause this type of infection.
If you have epididymitis and your partner is known to have an STD, you may need to take antibiotics for both of you. If you are in a relationship, you should also make sure that you and your partner avoid sex for 10 days after you have been diagnosed.