Bladder Prolapse Symptoms

Symptoms of bladder prolapse can be a frustrating and bothersome experience. If you experience bladder prolapse, you should visit a gynecologist to learn more about your condition. The doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and recommend a course of treatment.

A prolapsed bladder is usually caused by weakened muscles in the pelvic floor. The muscles can become damaged through long-term constipation or straining during bowel movements. However, a prolapsed bladder is rarely a life-threatening condition. In some cases, the prolapse can be corrected without surgery. In other cases, surgery may be necessary.

To determine if a prolapsed bladder is present, a gynecologist or urologist will perform a pelvic exam. This can be done while the patient is sitting or lying down. The exam will look for a bulge or fullness in the vagina. The doctor will also test the bladder’s position and pressure. If the pressure increases, it can indicate that a prolapse has occurred.

The doctor will take into consideration many factors, including the woman’s age, health, and preferences. The doctor will also consider the severity of the prolapse. For mild cases, observation and exercise may be sufficient. For moderate to severe cases, surgery may be required. However, most prolapsed bladders are treatable without surgery. If surgery is required, it can be done under local or general anesthesia.

Pelvic floor muscle exercises, also known as Kegel exercises, can strengthen the muscles and support the bladder. These exercises are often performed by a physical therapist. You can also use biofeedback, which involves monitoring devices to improve your symptoms. You can also take collagen supplements and eat a high-fiber diet to encourage the pelvic floor to heal.

A vaginal pessary can also be a treatment option. This is a plastic or rubber ring that is inserted into the vagina and helps to support the bladder. It may be uncomfortable for some women and may need to be removed occasionally. However, pessaries can provide relief for many women. They are also used as a temporary alternative to surgery. You may need to learn how to clean and reinsert the device.

Other options include estrogen replacement therapy. Taking estrogen can help to maintain the strength of the vaginal muscles and prevent a prolapse. However, estrogen therapy is not for everyone. A doctor will consider your personal needs before deciding whether hormone therapy is right for you.

Pelvic floor muscle exercises may also be a good way to relieve symptoms. However, they do not reduce the size of a prolapse. They are a good complement to other treatments. In addition, biofeedback can help you to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

If your doctor believes that you have a prolapsed bladder, you may need to undergo surgery. The procedure can be done under general or regional anesthesia, or it can be performed at the doctor’s office. The doctor will also measure the severity of the prolapse and make recommendations. If surgery is required, the doctor will consider your age, gender, and other factors to determine the best course of treatment.